Mother,Wife,Cook,Boo Boo Kisser,Laundry Attendant,& House Keeper. Maybe not all in that order & Im sure I missed some titles along the way.


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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gotta start somewhere...

I have no idea what I'm doing . I Would like this blog to be about my recipes . I might go in many different directions . I hope you can enjoy whatever it is I post, haha.
I'm a new mom .I think I'm still a new wife ? Im still learning too...shoot sometimes I have no idea what I'm doing . Let me fill you in on some stuff . 1. My grammar is horrible 2.I don't measure when I cook (I'll change that now). 3. I never ever read directions. 4. I do love to cook ,craft , bargain shop, & latest fashion trends are a must for me ! You'll begin to see all that here . I hope you enjoy  !


  1. I look forward to reading your blog. My kids are grown, but I felt the same way as a young wife and mother. Follow your heart and instincts and go for it! These are the best years of yoyr life.

    1. Thank You so much for your kind words Andrea & Thanks for reading !!!!

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