Mother,Wife,Cook,Boo Boo Kisser,Laundry Attendant,& House Keeper. Maybe not all in that order & Im sure I missed some titles along the way.


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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Light Bourbon Chicken & Brown Fried Rice

I've been on this "clean eating " binge and today I woke up feeling kind of BLAH ! First thing I thought " I need a meal " . Hit up Pinterest, and Viola I found this recipe for Bourbon Chicken and brown fried rice .
 I really tried hard not to go for seconds , I mean I could have totally went for thirds. A good Successful cheat meal for all you dieters out there. 

You'll notice I use Coconut Oil . Just substitute it with Olive oil or whatever you have on hand. But if you're into eating cleaner and healthier,  I totally recommend picking up a jar. Google it, read all the benefits. You'll be surprised 

Bourbon Chicken 

2 lbs boneless chicken breasts cut into bite-size pieces
2 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon Coconut oil or Olive oil 
1 garlic clove crushed
1/4 teaspoon fresh ginger
3/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (optional) 
1/4 cup light apple juice
1/3 cup light brown sugar
2 tablespoons Ketchup  
1 tablespoon white vinegar or Cidar vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup reduced sodium soy sauce 

-Whisk all ingredients into crockpot and add chicken. Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4.
-Whenever I cook meat in a crock pot , I like to brown my chicken on the stove first . Brown all sides of the chicken, but don't cook through.  This also is optional .

Brown Fried Rice 
I have to warn you I forgot to measure while making this . So I'm going to estimate here.
1 10oz bag frozen Brown Rice
2 egg whites 
1/2 cup frozen Edamame 
1 cup Frozen Mixed veggies or frozen peas & carrots 
1 teaspoon coconut oil or Olive Oil 
1 tablespoon soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
* add whatever you enjoy in your fried rice 
- sauté frozen veggies and edamame in 1 tbs  oil, and salt and pepper until soft
- meanwhile, cook frozen rice in microwave (or however you will be preparing rice)
- add whisked eggs to edamame,and veggies .
- after eggs begin to brown, add rice and stir in 1 tbs of soy sauce
- mix well, and enjoy! 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Life style change...

I don't know if anyone has noticed I haven't really posted a new recipe in a while. I'm totally into working out and eating like a crazy health freak. I never thought I would become this . So I figure I will just blog about it to maybe help others or just keep a journal of my progress. I don't have the ability to go to a gym , nor do I want to spend all that money on protein powder . So I'm working out at home and eating all the right foods. I've read and started following other blogs to get some ideas .... so I think I might be able to accomplish my goal! My daughter is almost a year now and I'm the skinniest I've ever been . So I think I must be doing something right :)  Here is MY plan.....

-Download the app " Nike Training Club"

I've done the gym thing, the classes ,weights , blah blah blah...  NIKE TRAINING CLUB  APP IS INCREDIBLE !!
I cannot believe how much I actually enjoying doing these 45 min work outs. You will be dripping in sweat and fall to the floor when you are done! I literally just lay on the floor for at least 5 mins after I've completed my work out.  If you really really really want to get into shape but can't make it to the gym or simply don't like the gym .... Just try this app.

- Drink only WATER ! Just do it !

- Only shop the perimeter of you Grocery store.

That means... Produce, Meat, Seafood , Dairy! The only time you should go down an aisle in a grocery store is to get water, Beans, and Oats. Get in the aisle and get out ! I always shop at Costco ...

 Here is a list of some food  I bought just to give you an idea...

-Chicken Breast
-Organic mixed greens
-Cherry Tomatos
- Plain Greek Yogurt
-Feta Cheese

-I hardly use Oil ..and If I use salt its just a tiny pinch .
-I use lemon on everything . Steamed Broccoli , Chicken marinade, & Salads

Snack- Carrot sticks with Hummus 

Grilled Lemon Chicken NO OIL! Follow my Recipe on my Blog just don't add the oil.
Plain Cucumbers , Tomatoes , Half an Avocado , Feta Cheese, Black Pepper. 
Left over Lemon Chicken, Steamed broccoli, Half baked potato ,Greek Yogurt
All topped with Lemon juice and black pepper.

I love it when I complete the work out !
It will talk you through the whole work out , Just like having a trainer!!
Nike Training Club ..go download it now!
March 1,2013 
I'm really not one to show off my body but I really want to see the progress in 6 months.
Something that helps me A LOT is to post these pictures all over .
To remind myself and give me that extra push.
I follow all fitness links on Facebook, Twitter , and  Instagram so its always in my face.
My news feed on facebook and instagram are  flooded with these types of Pictures!
Put them on your fridge too! Make a poster board of it !

Love this one , ha ha !

I think I can do this .. and so can you !! 
See you in 6 months!!